Atlanta Gas Light operates and maintains natural gas pipes, reads meters and distributes natural gas to certified marketers. Find information about Ways to Save, Energy Efficiency Programs, and Natural Gas Vehicles.
Choosing natural gas is an environmentally responsible way to get the reliability and performance your business needs. Find commercial rebates and savings specific to your industry.
We're committed to providing natural gas safely and reliably. Learn what to do in an emergency, safety precautions, activities for kids, and why you should call 811 before you dig.
Atlanta Gas Light provides natural gas delivery service to more than 1.6 million customers in Georgia. In operation since 1856, the company is one of the oldest corporations in the state.
Atlanta Gas Light is committed to supporting the needs of our customers, promoting conservation and environmental stewardship, and creating economic opportunities for all in the communities we live, work and play.
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Yes! Atlanta Gas Light offers service in this ZIP code. Areas within this ZIP code may vary. - Natural Gas for your home. - Natural Gas for your business.
We’re sorry. Atlanta Gas Light does not currently serve your area. Check back often as we continually expand our service territory.